Has the flipper on your Samsung refrigerator snapped off? Rather than purchasing an entire new flipper assembly for over 100 dollars, this is a repair that simply slides onto the mullion(flipper) on your Samsung refrigerator, that will save you time and money. Originally designed to repair my Samsung RF31FMESBSR/AA I have found that many other Samsung models have the same issue. Please contact me prior purchase to confirm compatibility of any other Samsung refrigerators. This was a designed by me, made and shipped from the US! Currently these are the models I have confirmed fitment, the list will be updated as I confirm other models. RF31FMESBSR/AA RF23HCEDBSR/AA RF28HDEDBSR/AA RF28HDWDBSR/AA RF263BEAESR/AA RF28HMEDBSR/AA RF265ABBP RF217ACRS RF28HFEDBSR RF28HFEDTSR/AA RF265BEAESG RF24FSEDBSR RF260BEAESR/AA RF260BEAESG/AA RF220NCTASR/AA RF26HFENDSR/AA RF263TEAESR RF28T5001SR RF27T5201SR/AA RF25HMEDBSR/AA RF263TEAESG/AA RF23HTEDBSR/AA RF28HDEDTSR/AA RF260BEAESG/AA RF263BEAESG/AA RF26J7500SR/AA RF23R6201SR RF28R6201SR RF323TEDBSR/AA RF265BEAESR/AA Currently these are the confirmed Samsung flippers that this part will repair: DA97-12684D DA97-12624A DA97-12624B DA97-12683A DA97-12683B DA97-12947A DA97-12947B DA97-17452B DA97-06417Q DA97-06417J DA97-06417E DA97-07661C DA97-07224H DA97-07224C DA97-07224K DA97-07224J DA97-07276B DA97-05021T DA97-05021N DA97-00245T